Digitalisation is a global trend, permeating across all sectors and industries. In European terms, the term digitisation can be understood as the use of digital technologies, e.g. machine learning, high-speed computing, but also the field of cybersecurity.
The purpose is to innovate production or service processes within an organization or cpmapniesin order to achieve higher added value, higher competitiveness – the ability to respond more quickly to demand, saving operating costs, but also to achieve greater resilience to unexpected external influences.
Through the ICUK DIH platform, we provide support services to companies to contribute to their digital transformation, while engaging in projects and international networks to bring new knowledge to the region.
icuk digital innovation hub / icuk dih
We support the adoption of digital technologies in businesses. To this purpose, we have created the ICUK DIH platform, a collaborative network through which we are developing an ecosystem and putting projects into practice.
The platform deals with the topic of digitalization within the Usti Region. We carry out awareness-raising events, conduct digital audits, connect companies, help find partners and financial resources.
In 2022 , we:
- provided 42 consultations
- interconnected 15 entities
- sent 19 offers to participate in the project/financing
- implemented 4 thematic events
- were involved in the preparation or implementation of 7 projects dealing with the topic of digitisation
- we create awareness of the topic
- we carry out market research
- we follow the development of technology
- we conduct workshops and seminars to share knowledge and good practice
- we connect actors from the region and beyond
- we perform digital audits
- identify opportunities for funding innovative projects
- help you find a suitable partner or form a consortium
As part of an international project we:
- mapped tools to support the digitisation of SMEs
- conducted 5 digital audits according to the Imp3rove Digital Innovation Quotient methodology
- proposed a financial instrument to support the digitisation of SMEs – the Digital Vouchers programme
With this project we succeeded in the Interreg Central Europe programme, which focuses on the use of digital technologies for the creation of new value chains.
Through digital technologies, we are seeking new solutions and models for value chains that have been disrupted by the global pandemic.
By being part of a strong consortium of partners in this project, we will be able to offer companies expertise in the implementation of artificial intelligence and robotics in manufacturing processes.
The consortium is focused on the expertise and application of artificial intelligence and robotics to the manufacturing process.