The only startup festival in the Ústí Region. It motivates students and young people to start their own business.

Together with the Ústí Region Office, we organise a competition for the most innovative company in the region once a year.

How do leaders innovate? How to get started with innovation and why it pays off? The experience of the best in implementing innovation in companies.

Speed dating = quick job interviews. For all those who are looking for a job or need to find someone to join their team.

Final public presentations of start-up entrepreneurs in front of an expert jury, the public and potential investors.

A morning educational event full of new information and innovative solutions that will move your business in many directions.
do you want to organize your own event in our spaces?
Take a look at the videos of our spaces and choose the most suitable one, or visit the ICUK SPACE HRADEBNIwebsite directly, were you can find out everything about the possibility of renting a spaces for your events.